Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Why Are My Dog's Nipples Swollen

Terni - Via del Tribunal

TERNI-View of Court Street:

Palace playful - Mariani,
current headquarters of the Musical

"Giulio Briccialdi" master Ternano famous.

Giulio Briccialdi ( Terni , 1818 - Florence , 1881 ) was a flutist and composer Italian .

After receiving his first lessons in flute by his father, he graduated from the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome age of fifteen. She teaches flute in Rome or Naples to , where he became master of the King's brother flute virtuoso of the flute, has a brilliant career in Italy and the rest of Europe.

A London, where the maker of Rudall & Rose flutes Theodore Böhm, Briccialdi had the idea in 1849 , to add a key on the key is for the left thumb, making it easier to play the B flat. This is now called the desmontable deben ser B flat - Briccialdi.
held the patent on the flute cylindrical improved

In 1860 is band director at Fermo and 1871 professor of flute at the conservatory of Florence. The June 14 1864 becomes honorary member of the Society of Rossini Pesaro .

Inspired by the ideals of the Risorgimento, it seems to have donated all his earnings to the cause of a tour of the "Thousand".

He composed the opera Leonora de 'Medici (Milan 1855), several pieces for flute (solo and with other tools) and learning exercises.

Once dead, his fellow citizens organized a fundraiser to bring back the body in Terni: that was four months' later.


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