Claudio Menegazzi is an engineer with passion of art, a passion based on the punctual Known of artistic language, in particular those of 1900. To the teaching activity, Menegazzi alternates the activity of fine watercolor painter. The artist, a shy man and not really loquacious, reminds the engineer Ulrich Arnheim (Robert Musil), who tried to melt the slide rule with fantasy, geometry with poetry. Spaces and volumes represented by Menegazzi pulse not as a formal exercise but of a constant research characterized by a particularly original sensitivity, as it could be noticed by the light play and by the chromatic tones. In his paintings is possible to understand how Menegazzi can always donate new energy to that “genius loci” that is the absolute subject of his paints.
The engineer-painter is a careful observer, whose glance melts with ambient. These watercolors are the result of a tenacious research in many years. The one of Menegazzi is not the look of a visionary, of a dreamer: tenaciously the artist comes to the essence of things and in his paintings the “l’esprit de géométrie” melts with great sensitivity.
His works of art represent a precious piece of our history.
Carlo Andreatta
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