Thursday, December 3, 2009

Character Affidavit Immigration

A few days ago opened a door of the court of the sick at the Hospital of Milazzo.RimarrĂ  open on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 am to 11.30 am on the premises of the Directorate sanitaria.Diffondiamo the news and help people courage to denounce their complaints about health disorders.
The court of the sick they will not be a tribunal of the Inquisition, so to speak, but rather wants to help health professionals to correct the ills of health care, they are often witnesses and victims themselves, to make a more fair and safe to the patient.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ultra Wheels Skates Parts

Hunter Walk YouTube, NewTeeVee Live 2009

again this year in San Francisco on New Tee Vee site that deals with television and video over the Internet has created a world conference with the best experts in this field. New Tee Vee
Live 2009 was held on November 12 last year and has had among its guests Hunter Walk, YouTube's Director of Product Management.
Here are the key points of his speech.

YouTube grown impressively arriving at the figure of one million videos viewed daily. Walk says more than "media company" is a "catalyst media" that is, it is proposed that connect users and producers of content regardless of their importance. Are uploaded to YouTube about 20 hours of content per minute, this large amount of material, however, causes difficulties for the user who does not know what's really interesting for him. This is why YouTube is doing a great job to make its channel becomes very personal in this mechanism have a lot of weight subscriptions, what we have seen in the past and not just in the last session. To do this he introduced the "related videos" column that the javascript: void (0) we see usually open at the bottom right as we watch a video. Among these are also seen video from our friends, or those who would like to see in a previous session the other day. What YouTube is trying to do is to push content to the user in mind everything he saw.

As we have seen has just been introduced for high quality filmati.Solo 1% of YouTube videos is high quality but the percentage will rise to about 10%. For this reason, such as video conversion has changed. Walk on YouTube says that video quality will be equal to or better than the file sorgente.Per why videos of the past are in the works to be re-encoded so that they can take advantage of the highest quality, we are currently at about half the job. The video quality will be accessible to all users who may persist to see high quality video if available requiring only the beginning of the session.

YouTube is trying to make their content even at a traditional television viewing on a large screen. Mobile phones have great weight in making videos since the beginning of the rise of video from mobile was 200%, and the release of a new model of mobile phone is a steady increase in the time of video shot and loaded with these devices. The traditional view TV in your living room is an interesting question, YouTube is aligned with producers of new technology and large broadcasters with regard to content. About 8 million Americans have tried to connect their TV to the computer, but it is a difficult task, so if the devices will accelerate this operation, users can easily follow these changes.
YouTube content is found via search engines or sites that fit the video to another, it makes no difference to the operators of YouTube because they believe it is important to attract the user into the site. One reason is that advertising will tend to be integrated within the video stream itself. This is necessitated by the growing consumption of video on mobile. He is also experienced as the major trading partners derive benefits from YouTube by making their content available, especially when they interact with users. Finally it is interesting to live streaming on the theme of which is being tested recently, an example is the live concert YouTube broadcast live in November 2008.
Below is the full video of the conference.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Where Can I Buy Mold For My.teeth

Court Civil Hospital General Joseph Fogliani "Milazzo

Milazzo: The hospital district is in general civil Grace St. Peter's Village (Switchboard tel. 090.929.01. Health Management tel. 090.929.04.46/449). E 'headed from 2005 to Dr. Joseph Fogliani, pulmonologist. The previous hospital or old "Civic Hospital" was a nineteenth-century building in the Garibaldi Marina, on the waterfront below the castle (photo), long since abandoned. From Vico Hospital, across the Marina itself, people arrived at the emergency room and allocated to departments in relatively modern complexes. An old military hospital, west of the old Capuchin convent in the old town, was next to the square of the cemetery, below the castle. Old Municipal Hospital in Marina Garibaldi

(Anthony Micale, Five centuries of history of ancient and venerable hospital in the city of Milazzo: activity report of 1 year and prospects for development, Milazzo, 1974)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

University Of Florida Birthday Cakes

site Italian Federation Pride Medical" YOUNG ITALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION

Dear colleagues, our profession is going through a paradoxical situation, while major international organizations such as WHO and OECD certify the diamonds results obtained in the Italian health system (subject to a number of years to a chronic under-funding) the other day we receive numerous attacks in the press that spreads so untimely and inappropriate for the exclusive purpose tabloid news show that only the doctors responsible for any malfunction of the system: that attitude is reinforced by improvident releases on the home page Corporations, such as the Ministry of Health, responsible for the protection of that personal health is reported to be responsible instead of only "poor health care." All this leads to an explosive mixture with the gradual increase in the distrust of the medical profession, leading to an increase in complaints to the Judiciary and the affirmation within the category of so-called defensive medicine. A little work to apply the category of good journalists as the columnist of "La Repubblica" that Mario Pirani, taking a cue from what appeared on the website of the Ministry of Health, writing an article entitled: "Health, Livia careful not thieves the clinicians, "says ...." it is also legally enshrined as the dramatic reversal of a truth that is visible to all and that we have reported many times: the poor health care is primarily attributable to the invasion of the parties, the appointments which the directors are encouraged to contracts with companies and cooperatives set by politicians in office, the conventions are not always clear carried out by government clinics and private laboratories compliant with ... .. is also stressed that doctors have been deprived of all ability to manage human and material resources in hospitals. All contracts for construction, catering, cleaning, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, security, insurance and competitions, are the exclusive domain of directors, appointed directly by political power ... ... .. "We physicians aware of their work and proud have contributed decisively to bring our country to high levels of health protection of citizens, need to operate with more peace and more freedom especially in the government "clinical" health we must protest and fight in a decisive manner to protect our profession really trying to restore dignity and peace trusting in the words of the last hopes that Turkish Minister Hon Livia: "... a deal to break the civic use of ASL and perverse management Hospitals by the parties, because at all levels must triumph meritocracy: that's the real reform in healthcare. " Unfortunately, professionals working in health care respond to this difficult situation in a different way: there are no merit or saprophytic looking into the folds of management (corporate, union, ordinistico, etc. ..) a clever way to get their own way, Always looking for small and great benefits. We are focused on their backyard these professionals are careful dialectical confrontation of values, they represent the vast majority of staff: the so-called Nimby (not in my backyard = not in my backyard), do not expose themselves or conflict and never Sometimes they are even rewarded with senior positions. Then there is the same group of members for membership, management and professionals who belong to the same lobby, living in harmony and symbiosis: the demands and projects find a partner, a dedicated channel to listen, respond and prompt implementation , so make sure that careers grow unhindered. Finally, there are the brave struggle against the system to improve it from within, they know their responsibilities and are ready to get into the game and lose to their ideals and are often the best professionals that because of these choices that bother all'establishement political and institutional health of the companies are being penalized seeing preceded by the members of those two categories (pace of their much-discussed and advocated a meritocracy). After all these assumptions and assuming that: the primary hospital incompetent, the inefficient public official, the employee idle etc. .. must be appropriately sanctioned and take a step back for the benefit of those most deserving and capable (and do not stand), all doctors need to unite behind a body using the means at its disposal and the strength resulting from the number of members to give back, through the courageous battles, dignity and respect to the work of us all.

Best Magnet Antena For Cb

Italian Association of Young Doctors (AIGM)
first and only of its kind in Italy, was founded in 1999 with the aim of protecting and guaranteeing the interests of young graduates in medicine and surgery, especially of those graduates after 12/31/1994, damaged in recent years by legislation in the training of doctors rather "flaky", which had significantly decreased their jobs. On August 8, 1991 DL n.256, implementing the European Directive 86/457/EEC provided that with effect from 31.12.1994 for admission to the regional lists of general medical degree was not enough alone but you had to be in possession of 'certificate obtained by attending a two-year training in general medicine. This rule recognizing the equivalence that the certificate to those who were on the list as of 31/12/1994 did not take into any consideration the thousands of students in medicine and surgery on that date. Students who were registered in the knowledge that the only degree was necessary to access the regional lists (and therefore the agreement of general medicine). The latter have seen then vanish at a stroke what for many of them had been the motivation of registration in medicine and surgery. On August 15, 1999 with Decree Law No. 368 (repealing 256/91) for the implementation of Directive No. 93/16/EEC the Italian government confirmed the necessity of the possession of the two-year course of training to access the regional lists . In the years between 1998 and 2001, the continued commitment of our association together with that of many of the old parliamentary majority meant that it came to Article 3 of Law 401/00. Article
.3 "Graduates in medicine and surgery enrolled in the university before 31/12/1991 and licensed in the practice are allowed to claim in excess of specific training courses in general medicine in the legislative decree 8 / 8 / 91, n.256. The doctors admitted surplus are not entitled to a scholarship and may engage in freelance
compatible with the obligations of learning "reopened after attending two-year course of the gates of the regional lists for the continuous assistance to graduates in medicine and surgery by registered on 12/31/1991 (returns a vested right at the time of the faculty of medicine and surgery, unjustly denied by legislation "leisure"). Since its publication in the Gazette No. 5 of this law 08/01/2001 went to meet many criticisms and hostility by other members of the medical profession and of the Ministry of Health. The Department of Health Professions, human resources and technology in health and health care powers of state blocked the article in question with a circular of the month of January 2001 deferring any decision on subsequent decrees. The Ministry demanded on 16/05/2001 an opinion on the feasibility of applying 401/00 of the Council of State. In On 06.20.2001 the First Section of the High assembly decided not to give rise to the opinion requested not to influence the court, because the issue was under way several appeals to the TAR of Lazio by small groups of doctors meant that the issue had already transited in litigation with the TAR of Lazio. Section III ruled with a ruling that rejected the appeals of the doctors aim to obtain admission to the courses supernumerary biennial parties in 2000, considering that Article 3 of Law Decree 401 refers to the August 8, 1991 No. 256 that had long been repealed by. 46 DL III c 15 August 1999, No. 368 concluded by saying that Article 3 can not be understood that in the restrictive sense that they only cover positions related to the course provided by the DL 256, 91 and not that provided by DL 368/99 (to simplify the law was not applicable).
The award of the TAR had in fact pointed out the error that was contained in Article 3 of Law 401, but the fact remains that thousands of young doctors were once again affected by an "oversight" of legislative power. As stated above has mortified and continued to be delayed thousands of young doctors Italians who after many years of sacrifices (including their families) to get a degree have been forced into a state of suboccupazione or work as a "stopgap" in shortages of medical personnel are not eligible to play that role one day (hundreds of colleagues working in the north-central many years as a substitute for medical service but can never become owners because they entered the famous rankings.
In recent years various Italian regions driven by the need to recruit a doctor, never mind the dictates of the TAR of Lazio, are assuming supernumerary fellow graduates after 31/12/1994 to training in general medicine (unfortunately very few) through the use for which 'AIGM fought.
Another problem created by the laws on training is the division of the class into three parts: 1
- Speciality Specialists and the EEC, which are as job opportunities: the specialized conventions, freelance activity, or hospital (taking into account that some disciplines exclude one or more of these specialty).
2 - Participants and holders of training in general medicine. Unique opportunities: freelance activity and continuity of care with the prospect of the Convention in general medicine.
3 - Simple graduates who are unable to access the two channels of learning and not being able to access the lists of general practitioners are unemployed or underemployed.
L 'AIGM had sensed that there was dissatisfaction within the three parts which still continues, in fact:
1 - Residents and Specialists: The 368/99 of 15.8.1999, recently applied by renewing the status of the category (new graduate employees were recognized with the subsequent payment of pension contributions, a significant increase in monthly payments and a higher score in progress) by failing to provide the retroactive effect of these measures has created divisions between the "old graduate" (ex 257/91) and new, who will be in the following years to live in the same institutions.
2 - Following the new agreement of those in possession of general medical training in general medicine have been seen to reduce the score by 12 points to 7.2 points, but especially at the end of the course are not given much-needed employment opportunities.
3. The simple yet graduates are still in precarious than 14 years after the events!
The feverish activity of the President, directors and coordinators of the many provincial meant that the AIGM reached in the years between 2001 and 2002, the not inconsiderable figure of 1400 members throughout Italy, was able to organize two national congresses and to become the representative of many Italian politicians.
In 2005, aided the work commitments of all, the absence of new-young colleagues and referring physicians valid according to the statute which provided that it remained for ten young doctors years after graduation, the Board proposed by the President decided to dissolve the association. Even today, many colleagues, mindful of the extraordinary experience contacting our President to ask for advice on their professional or other problems, and is based on this recognition that we have convinced to re-engage and we have made "Doctor Pride" read the object well within the site and we invite you to participate in order to continue the old battles, and to improve the conditions of our unfortunate category, as they are already doing all the colleagues who or why or why randomly contacted by the President are aware of the new initiative (It is our intention to contact all of them) have already registered - \u200b\u200bVia L. Giordano, 2-90011 Bagheria (PA) - Tel 338 9227867 - Cod Fisc. 90012220829 - Copyright 2008 - Realization
Computer Web

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Diagram Inside Of A Pirate Ship

Marmore Falls - Terni

Private Collection

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Car Auction Fredriction New Brunswick

Telecom Italy and MyNextTV

Telecom Italy has created a platform for the Italian national TV, MyNextTV that is part of a site called Open Innovation Next , brings together a community that can use a video search service and listening to music on demand through collaboration with the Grooveshark site also aims to create applications for mobile internet and opening itself to outside developers and then test them to their users. A few days ago
service is available to Web TV that allows you to see again the programs la7, MTV Qoob and Mediaset. Currently, there are nearly all programs on demand divided according to palinsenso. Advertising is maintained as as the traditional system, there are no advertising messagig beginning of the movie, and there is still some 'confusion, not all the clips match exactly. Mediaset has not entered any palinsensto, but only some news. At last, the main private TV channels are present in the Italian TV even if the Web with a long delay on the state TV. If the services restaranno free online mediaset put all its programs and the community will be well managed is likely to be a very frequantato site in the coming months. It's time to throw the antenna.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pressure Point To Start A Period

Qik: live streaming mobile

Curious to know that Demi More driven by the young husband Ashton Kutcher are using Twitter regularly. Really weird to share a VIP so directly with the public's life. In addition to writing have also decided to use Qik a service that allows you to share live videos made by mobile phone with those who joined the site. Partner notables are livestream (ex Mogulus) that can be used via the Qik software, available for dozens of other smartphones. Take a look at
Sir.ra Kutcher video on Qik.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Electric Box App Level26

Digital Terrestrial and IPTV.

The DTT seems to be a useless thing for people like me who uses the Internet as a medium for entertainment and information (as well as business and education). Hard to believe that this
half will take hold in a simple and popular, or rather it is almost impossible to believe that digital terrestrial will be the most simple and effective video communication.
Telecom Italy, 90 years after the failure of the project of a superfast network throughout Italy is proposing a "solution" commerciale.Si is a single decoder that in addition to DTT is able to receive IPTV service pay-TV that uses the network as a means of transmission. Popular in this sense is Alice Home Tv Other operators are trying to IPTV services but may not benefit from the Telecom network speed. IPTV is a need for availability of high bandwidth which at present seems to run out: it seems that the gang is mostly occupied by the peer to peer connections.
This type of connection is made directly between the different users of the Internet mainly to exchange video, is also used by Web TV like Joost that offers its users a wide variety of video content for free. In fact, transmission of Joost is extraordinarily fast and uninterrupted. The problem is the limited transmission capacity of the network throughout Italy. Telecom has tried to turn on Anti-services that provide digital-divide, as in my case, but a broadband connection that is divided by about 40 families, and therefore subject to sudden changes in speed (especially on weekends).
Telecom wants to expand the infrastructure, but the process is very expensive, so is trying to convince users to pay for more choice and better quality of television programs. With these gains is proposed to expand the infrastructure, but it will be difficult to convince users to pay a variety of content which can currently get for free.
The web TV is becoming a lot: Rai offers streaming in all programs (with the rare exception of some sports events) and in many cases also on demand for free on his website. Mediaset Popular programs have been loaded (illegally) on YouTube. In addition, there are still many content legally available on the network that will hopefully make the move to look like those of Mediaset illegal. The peer2peer allows the download of many films and TV shows (illegally) and unless it is blocked by ISPs or the government I see no reason why the users may be willing to pay.
To know more about Italy watch an interview with Piero de Clare of Telecom on Key4Biz.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Design Sheet Cakes For Church Anniversary

D'Alia, censorship on the Internet and false alarms.

These days the internet is full of alarmed calls to an amendment of the decree security (repression of activity of apology or instigation of criminal associations or illegal activities carried out via the Internet) that would take away the freedom to bloggers.
In straight lines Amendment D'Alia has not gone!
Internet is free! So free that Google works great! And the network is the best way to spread news that we have both written and video, but also entertainment and communications. We are entering a period (or we already have) where the production of information is available to everyone and we can really choose what to watch and listen. We must be journalists
us of ourselves, because as you know the information in Italy is very bad.
I used Google and did a check.
The security decree has not been fully approved, it consists of many items that have been voted one by one.
The article in question is number 60.
I typed on Google news and D'Alia internet and it took me a little to discover the truth through an article on Vittorio Zambardino .
An excerpt from the article:

The beautiful - and tragic - of this story is that not only coincides with a dramatic moment for freedom of expression, that the network is ignoring the large, but brings about a result of "the wolf wolf ", which then make it impossible for the correct information when the bills actually censors the network, which some members of the majority are in the drawer, will come under discussion in parliament.
Courage, dear bloggers and Facebook users, with the same punctuality with which you have set the alarm, now scatters the correction of this false news.

If you read the text on the website of the Senate's decree safety and fun to find the words eliminated at the side of the 5 points that make up the terrible article.
This shows us something important. That the Internet has great power to spread the news in Italy (and the world) at an incredible rate, and the most interesting thing is that everyone contributes to the spread. The problem is that in the same manner spread spam, chain letters and hoaxes. Always check before spreading any news, only in this way you will use the full power of the network.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mba Salary Vs Masters In Engineering

Telecommunications in Italy

is not easy to summarize in a few words the history of telecommunications in Italy, but without this backgruound you can not understand why the development of network and content. The legislation on telecommunications in this country has always been confusing, despite the liberalization of the Italian health infrastructure is not good.
Italy is still lagging behind slightly in the rest of Europe and fails to learn lessons from other European nations. For too many years the Italian governments have clashed on the maintenance of the television duopoly, not bothering to legislate in favor of new infrastructure and businesses that could finally unlock the dinosaurs Italian television.
There is talk of digital terrestrial TV because for too long has ignored the importance of the wiring of the country as a real alternative and effective means of transmitting data and television content. Why today in Italy we do not have a network powerful enough to allow (at all) without any problems viewing video content seamlessly? There are no infrastructure.
Telecom in the 90's tried to be wired with fiber optics all the country with the "Socrates", but has done it, ADSL will also work with the old copper cables so why get your fiber?
In fact, the digital divide is a common problem and remains a problem even if there are anti digital divide projects. In short, many individuals still have too little bandwidth while the contents are now hd video, thus requiring more bandwidth to download it faster, or be seen in streaming. Of course, the compressions are always better, but not enough.
Today I read an article on "The Republic" that says that soon it will come to have a connection to all of 100 megs. Well, a good reason to continue producing high-quality video content (not just mean high-resolution) to be circulated through behind this increase in bandwidth the corner.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What Causes A Blistering Rash On Baby Butt


Mogulus is a way to create a web tv free video was produced by ICTV a Web TV that deals with technology.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Crotch Rocket Helmet With Crest, web tv the new silverlight player

As for the Italian television RAI nell'utimo years has managed to create a site rich in content and has recently focused on the part of the personalization 'user. , the portal of the state television has been recently upgraded using the new Silverlight 2, the player competes with Macromedia Flash that has been developed by Microsoft. One negative note: This player can only be used by computer with an Intel Mac then the old can not Offir streaming rai (though on the internet there are also tricks to install it on older machines, but in my case it did not work)
year last one could see only a few programs because there was no opportunity for the old player (windows media player) to locate the user. Some movies and TV series were in fact blocked. Rai has in fact only the rights to broadcast in Italy.
an interesting opportunity to see the latest news broadcast.
The offer of the channels as per advertisement is large (I counted 17) are some that really live live broadcasts and reflect ether present, others are actually on demand and collect a list of clips organized by theme that are displayed each time the user requests it. From this month
also you can use a service that allows you to register and save playlists, share videos directly to facebook quickly, save your favorite programs and send video clips via email.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dr. Madhu Vs Dr. Arvind

False Copyright

Madonna lawn
Raffaello Sanzio , 1506
Oil on canvas, 113 × 88 cm

Flamingo Las Vegas Rooms

Valentine Moonlight

panel display for Valentine's Day Competition in Terni 1996

(Private Collection)