Monday, June 29, 2009

Electric Box App Level26

Digital Terrestrial and IPTV.

The DTT seems to be a useless thing for people like me who uses the Internet as a medium for entertainment and information (as well as business and education). Hard to believe that this
half will take hold in a simple and popular, or rather it is almost impossible to believe that digital terrestrial will be the most simple and effective video communication.
Telecom Italy, 90 years after the failure of the project of a superfast network throughout Italy is proposing a "solution" commerciale.Si is a single decoder that in addition to DTT is able to receive IPTV service pay-TV that uses the network as a means of transmission. Popular in this sense is Alice Home Tv Other operators are trying to IPTV services but may not benefit from the Telecom network speed. IPTV is a need for availability of high bandwidth which at present seems to run out: it seems that the gang is mostly occupied by the peer to peer connections.
This type of connection is made directly between the different users of the Internet mainly to exchange video, is also used by Web TV like Joost that offers its users a wide variety of video content for free. In fact, transmission of Joost is extraordinarily fast and uninterrupted. The problem is the limited transmission capacity of the network throughout Italy. Telecom has tried to turn on Anti-services that provide digital-divide, as in my case, but a broadband connection that is divided by about 40 families, and therefore subject to sudden changes in speed (especially on weekends).
Telecom wants to expand the infrastructure, but the process is very expensive, so is trying to convince users to pay for more choice and better quality of television programs. With these gains is proposed to expand the infrastructure, but it will be difficult to convince users to pay a variety of content which can currently get for free.
The web TV is becoming a lot: Rai offers streaming in all programs (with the rare exception of some sports events) and in many cases also on demand for free on his website. Mediaset Popular programs have been loaded (illegally) on YouTube. In addition, there are still many content legally available on the network that will hopefully make the move to look like those of Mediaset illegal. The peer2peer allows the download of many films and TV shows (illegally) and unless it is blocked by ISPs or the government I see no reason why the users may be willing to pay.
To know more about Italy watch an interview with Piero de Clare of Telecom on Key4Biz.


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