Friday, June 12, 2009

Design Sheet Cakes For Church Anniversary

D'Alia, censorship on the Internet and false alarms.

These days the internet is full of alarmed calls to an amendment of the decree security (repression of activity of apology or instigation of criminal associations or illegal activities carried out via the Internet) that would take away the freedom to bloggers.
In straight lines Amendment D'Alia has not gone!
Internet is free! So free that Google works great! And the network is the best way to spread news that we have both written and video, but also entertainment and communications. We are entering a period (or we already have) where the production of information is available to everyone and we can really choose what to watch and listen. We must be journalists
us of ourselves, because as you know the information in Italy is very bad.
I used Google and did a check.
The security decree has not been fully approved, it consists of many items that have been voted one by one.
The article in question is number 60.
I typed on Google news and D'Alia internet and it took me a little to discover the truth through an article on Vittorio Zambardino .
An excerpt from the article:

The beautiful - and tragic - of this story is that not only coincides with a dramatic moment for freedom of expression, that the network is ignoring the large, but brings about a result of "the wolf wolf ", which then make it impossible for the correct information when the bills actually censors the network, which some members of the majority are in the drawer, will come under discussion in parliament.
Courage, dear bloggers and Facebook users, with the same punctuality with which you have set the alarm, now scatters the correction of this false news.

If you read the text on the website of the Senate's decree safety and fun to find the words eliminated at the side of the 5 points that make up the terrible article.
This shows us something important. That the Internet has great power to spread the news in Italy (and the world) at an incredible rate, and the most interesting thing is that everyone contributes to the spread. The problem is that in the same manner spread spam, chain letters and hoaxes. Always check before spreading any news, only in this way you will use the full power of the network.


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