On May 12, 1820 was born Florence Nightingale, founder of Nursing modern. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) recalls that date around the world celebrating International Nurses Day.
In the sixties in Italy to celebrate May 12 are the Affiliates (Caioss), nursing associations and some provincial College. E 'in 1980 that the National Federation Ipasvi decided to support first-hand the initiative, announcing the "News". The stated intent of the management team is to draw public attention to the values \u200b\u200bwhich it bears the nursing profession: a profession that finds its most original and genuine in service to humanity. "
The choice is entirely appropriate and enjoyed broad support, as evidenced by the tight schedule of actions taken by colleges and associations, which have traditionally been concentrated around that time in our country.
Since 1992, the National Federation Ipasvi supports the International Nurses Day with a poster campaign highlighting the Italian commitment of nurses on the themes of solidarity and alliance with patients and their families. The slogan brought in more than a decade reaffirm all the choice to stay "on the side of the citizen."
1992: Occupation Health and gestures that count
1993: Warning! Life is fragile. educate, prevent attend: nurses in health
1994: Together for Health. nursing profession. For the welfare of the individual, family and country
1995: For 365 days a year, 300,000 nurses assist whoever gets sick and who needs care. Today, just today, get a little 'advertising
1996: "Contract nurses - Citizen '(incorporated in 1999 as a premise of the new Code of Conduct)
1997: On May 12, gives a gesture
1998: Some have found that in addition to diseases, there are also patients . We already knew that nurses
1999: Assistance with both hands. The new code of ethics of nurses, a guarantee of good health. The duties of nurses are the rights of citizens.
2001: A Smile nurses
2002: The nurse, a familiar presence in your life. Health professionals are able to provide answers to complex questions of public health
2003: At the nurses no matter your race, your creed, gender. It is important to assist you. Whoever and wherever you are.
2004: 326,000 nurses deployed every day in defense of life. Our weapons are the professionalism, commitment and awareness. Our goal is to defend life indefinitely
2005 : The Italian nursing in Europe. Meeting and discussion of goals and values. Announcement of the XIV National Congress Ipasvi
2006: More nurses = better health
2007 : Looking at life in the eye. Every day
2008 : Nurses. A story about millions of lives
2009: We nurses with our values \u200b\u200bon your side. Always
On May 12, has thus become an opportunity to ensure that the nursing profession "you talk a bit 'self' with inmates hospitals, with the users of local services, with the elderly, with other health professionals, with young people who need to choose a job, with all those - in fact - that in the course of their lives have met or will meet a "nurse" .
What does a nurse? (Adapted from http://ramona.blog.dada.net)
The nurse has an ethical code
all new, but it would be simplistic to stop at a superficial reading of that code, as it is broad and inclusive. The nurse has no more tasks to be performed, the nurse is a professional and as such has the clear responsibility for their decisions.
is what makes a nurse in the current state of things.
The nurse organizes its work and that of others, from that of the operator community health doctor, that dell'inserviente.
The medical needs of the nurse, among other things, to learn about the patient's medical or other contact other hospitals to administer the therapy, appointments of various kinds; solicit other visits or imaging studies, not to find when needed; visit the patient in the ward to find anything (from a pair of gloves of the right size for a clinical mysteriously disappeared from a phone number in the yellow pages to the primary which is never traceable); reorder its casino.
The operator needs only because the nurse does not always know what they should or can do, and the responsibility for what he does or does not do is nurse.
The attendant needs of the nurse can tell you every so often for so satisfied that I am not responsible for cleaning, think you
The nurse when there is no attendant, and sometimes even if there is, for cleaning earth, and also serves the process, collect the broken glass and organic material of all types, close the laundry and trash bags, go over the kitchen.
The nurse when there is no staff distributes meals to patients, collecting the trays and if you might want to also clean up and down the tables.
The nurse notes the need for maintenance of infrastructure in which it operates (painting to be remade, broken floors, leaking taps) and is activated to call the staff. But with the right tool sometimes provides for itself.
The nurse is required to be updated and computerized, it must know how to use the computer and the computer network, but is not entitled to access the Internet from work, otherwise could distract from their various activities, or even visit porn sites, have you ever seen?
The nurse must, with two hands and two ears, respond to phones all ring at the same time in the ward, and have a ready answer for all, can not say I do not know or I was not there, or contact someone else solve the problems of anyone who has a vocation to nurse, even if it means losing precious time for assistance.
The nurse must never be tired or nervous, or feel unwell: during the service should make it 100% and even more, it must not stop ever, must cancel itself in your favor (Right) and that revolves around the user (a little 'less correctly).
addition to this, perhaps, the nurse must know how to interpret the patient's complaints, to recognize all the warning signs of a problem more or less seriously, without disturbing the doctor about trifles. It must be quick to understand the urgency and ability to fight with anyone to understand that in turn is a real emergency, not a whim, and asks if something is not for himself but for the person who is ill.
The nurse handling potentially hazardous fluids and can not afford to be too tired to do it, because the worst would be his alone and no one else.
The nurse is ready to listen, he spends his clients' problems as its own, if often takes them home because they can not take them off by heart and worse for him if he does not sleep for the night or if it has the nightmares.
The nurse, however, is in itself subject to various disturbances: sleep, because the change of day for the night and often because of shifts do not even know what day you wake up, your digestive system, so shift workers can go to eat only at the end of the round, that is when hunger is now passed in the early afternoon (in case of lunch, evening dinner is not provided in return), or giving themselves a change colleague, but leaving unprotected the department, as is indeed impossible, mood, because the lack of rest and sleep due to changes in serotonin and then depression, but this is implicit in the contract of employment, do not give to anyone unless the nurse does not send the same disease for months, circulation, because in 8 hours to skate lane varicose leave a mark on his legs.
addition, the nurse who has a slipped disc has the right to be put on duty with a colleague that the hernia did not have to make him come to him.
The nurse is, by definition a sick imagination: no one believes him when some complains disorder, because it is known to be with the sick are believed to have the same disease. By contrast, a nurse who fails to cover some warning signs on their health is at least incompetent and those who want to make him a treat as well, better not to trust.
The nurse is sometimes subject to a frustrating sense of impotence when it fails to alleviate the suffering in terminal illness. And may the curse of excommunication, and wonders why, at times, where is god and that there is to do certain things if it helps. And we also feel the reproaches of the priest at the time when the urgency is not time to call before the patient is gone forever. Even the soul has its own requirements, of course, but the soul is immortal and no body, what to give priority at certain times?
The nurse is this is much more.
Today is International Nurses Day.
Congratulations, gentlemen.