Saturday, May 8, 2010

Morrowind Levels To Start Expansions


Mother's Day has ancient origins and is spread throughout the world.
In Italy, as in many other countries is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
In the U.S. a few years after the end of Civil War in May 1970, Julia Ward Howe organized a celebration of the "mothers for peace" and suggested that the establishment of Mother's Day as a moment of reflection against the war.
President Woodrow Wilson decided to formalize the Mother's Day in 1914 with the agreement of the conference and to celebrate the second Sunday of May.
In Norway we celebrate the second Sunday in February
In Argentina the second Sunday of October
In Spain, the first Sunday in May
In France, the last Sunday of May
In Thailand, August 12
In Egypt and Morocco on March 21
In Russia the last Sunday of November
in Indonesia December 22.

Freely adapted from


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