Let's talk about Creative Commons (CC). In 2001 Laurence Lessig, law professor at Stanford (USA), CC based movement that serves the same name license to distribute original works, whether books, pictures, music and anything else that could be subject to copyright.
The basic idea is that between the concept of copyright to work full and free of copyright, there is a gray area rather broad. To represent this area has been created the license in question. The article you are reading is protected via CC, which allows anyone to read the copy, paste and use it elsewhere provided that you keep my name as author. At the same time the article can not be used for commercial purposes. Above all, the article may be changed if the new version is distributed under the same license terms of the original.
These lines do I need to better explain the activity of GarageBand.com
This is a company that deals with scopriree, promote and distribute the music of lesser-known groups and subjected to direct public opinion. In practice, they want to be known musicians bring their music available to users of the site giving the possibility to download, share, listen to it in public, but not to sell it or change it.
short, a platform to freely download and listen to good music. There is everything and all kinds. Obviously this is not 100% of masterpieces, but there are some really interesting tracks.
As I write I'm listening to Dave Manley Band of Sing Sing a song of pure jazz.
A link to the site www.garageband.com
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