Friday, July 16, 2010

Can U Jailbreak A Sidekick 08

The Medicine Buddha


The Medicine Buddha is called in Tibetan- Sanghs rghie-dismantled the (pr.: The Men Sanghye) where Sanghye is the term used to refer to a Buddha, while the Men means healer, doctor, one who heals. In Sanskrit he is called "Bhaysaya Guru ', which literally means" The developer of cure. "
He is also known as the "Sovereign aquamarine": Blue is the color of aquamarine and light blue is the color of the Medicine Buddha, which in this case is the color of healing. And since the Buddha is completely healed, that there is no shadow of illness in his mind, his body, in his word, as it is an enlightened being, he is just called "Lord of the aquamarine light."
The Medicine Buddha is also called "the pure source of lapis lazuli or of sea water" to indicate precisely the nature of pure source of light.
One of the key commitments taken by the Medicine Buddha was to help with precision, without any order of doubt, all those who recite his name and follow his teachings for healing oneself and others as more complete. This healing can bring forth not only in the sense of being healed from a disease, but also, for example, not to suffer heavy economic situations.
When we speak of the Medicine Buddha is not to then indicate a particular phenomenon, but a "pure essence" that can be experienced by everyone: he is an illumination level of total healing and wellness and it is essential to understand and meditate deeply on this point.
According to Buddhist mythology, Buddha was Shakyamuni to teach medicine in the current cycle of time, at a place called Danaduk , the mystical paradise of medicine, he taught several medical works (the most important is that of "The Four Tantras ) to various gods, Buddhist or not, but only a disciple, Yi.lay.kyè , including teaching spaces and recorded in 5900 verses with ink on sheets of pure gold, lapis lazuli, the dakini kept in their palace Uddiyana .
Astrologically the day of the Medicine Buddha is the eighth day of the lunar month, and on that day the power is particularly strong.


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