Friday, July 16, 2010

Why Does Liquid Soap Leave A Residue

WHO WAS BUDDHA - an ironic and funny story

Adapted from

The word Buddha means "awakened" or "enlightened" to begin with.
Mr. Buddha actually named Siddhartha Gautama, was born in 566 BC and died in 80 years in 486 BC in southern Nepal.
Legend has it that Buddha was born not as all normal people, ever!
Already WHEN WAS AS FOLLOWS: the mother (maybe she had eaten that evening heavy) dreamed that a white elephant, without hurting her penetrations in the side (just in a dream).
When I was born: it was born from the same place, never mind! But jumped from her mother's side, he made seven steps and said: "I was born to achieve the awakening (bodhi) for the good of the world, and this is my last birth"
I was born when I was kicked in the ass and slaps 4 whimper like a possessed, articulate speech to churn out was out of the course, than I thought, "but where are c. .. over."

The Buddhabambino grows and becomes Buddhamarito and Buddhababbo, until one day the tender age of 30 years decides to leave the palace walls (I'd say it could also be now), and you know how it happens to turn down the street ... anyone ever encountered. Indeed.
an old man, a sick man and a corpse. Not being able to play because of Snipe "bad" set off the first light bulb with two candles and swore, and so point-blank that he would go in search of the liberation from the world of suffering ... good, a walk!
Exactly wandering becomes the Buddha! Nonstante his father discouraged him king vivamene. But he did nothing! Noodler as few people now to fasting and mortification of himself when he realized he was about to pull the knuckle, the bulb lit another candle about 40 and realized that was not the right path to salvation.
E 'know, the truth lies somewhere in between ... or so, and even change the way Buddha and began to tread the "middle path " a decidedly more moderate stuff, a form of discipline that avoids the extremes, both of indulgence to himself as the self-mortification . And here the light bulb start to get several.
So much so that by dint of running, it stops at the foot of ' Bodhi Tree, for friends the tree of awakening and square them off in meditation in a last desperate attempt to gain freedom from death and rebirth.
And there he is! Comes into play the bad guy, who by the way how could you call? MARA I'm here that having many children, knew the destructive capacity that are able to field when you put in, and unleashes them to him so all against: send their daughters to seduce and frighten children.
But our Siddhartha does not give, meditate and forget to eat well, it starts to rain and not even aware of it, even a cobra pities him and stands a bit above repairing 'the best could. The fact is that last attempt, there it comes the ' lighting! It is found in learning to parcels of Dharma (truth 'or read) of human existence. Thanks to this discovery became a full Buddha (awakened).
After spreading a little 'voice around to friends, wandering to northern India to preach the Dharma, then goes in the city of Kusinagar makes a final speech of the type "Citizens ... etc." and lies between two shafts, and dies.
Frai well informed about the place, there are rumors that he received a "Final Nirvana," and no longer had reborn.
The life of a person consists of a long series of actions (karma) accumulated over many lifetimes ... a bit 'as a collection point, if you've been reincarnated into good middle-class, otherwise the usual life of hardship and sacrifice!
After death, the body of the Buddha according to his will, he was cremated and the ashes and distributed as relics preserved in burial mounds known as Stupa.
Buddha was not considered a god or a supernatural being, but a man who knew how to find the answer to the most profound dilemmas of human life and had made available to other such response. Without bisongo to rely on the concept of a creator God.

After the death of Buddha there were many current and many divisions, the most famous came to us today is the offspring of Gelukpa that eventually created the DALAI LAMA which literally means MASTER OCEAN that stands for Ocean Ocean of Wisdom.
Buddhists, Today more than to follow the rules of the Buddha in a nutshell that should be the straight to stop the process of death and rebirth, and so the suffering, but in addition to all this (I know, though never enough) do not reject even the power of spirits and local deities.


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