Friday, November 26, 2010

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The Neurology Hospital Milazzo moved to Barcelona.

Disappointment and bitterness arouses the decision to move next Monday, the Division of Neurology Hospital of Milazzo to Barcellona.Infatti although this transfer was written in the plan to reschedule the hospital network to facilitate the integration of the two hospitals, it is also true the Neurology Hospital Milazzo is a piece of history Mamertino hospital, because he was inaugurated shortly after the opening of the hospital itself, then 40 years ago and since then has been the only reference center for all other hospitals for activities of the Tyrrhenian coast of hospitalization and consulenza.Essa has used up to now of the proper auxiliary constant of a radiology service, can provide, in addition to conventional radiological investigations, CT, vascular ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, missing in action Barcellona.Si hospital use and provides consultancy to other divisions in the highly specialized hospital of Milazzo. E 'then allocated in a context that gives it a role of particular clinical relevance and strategic, inter alia in a territory with a high industrial development and tourism in an area that, in the summer, showed a significant increase in population . Moreover, the fact should not be underestimated for those who want to defend the public service, not-for-profit work with the sole aim of providing more assistance and to improve qualità.Tutto this has been unable, indeed could improve only in a structure like that of Milazzo.Il transfer to hospital in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bas well as lose some health professionals well trained, would reflect poorly on the quality and quantity of shelters and outpatient services by medical personnel and demotivated saniatrio trasferimento.Insomma and disoriented from the effects of a decision, in our opinion, to be reviewed for ambulance patients to avoid travel to and from Barcelona and in the light of the presence in our territory neurological diseases (such as ALS, stroke, neuro-endocrine tumors, etc..), whose incidence is greatly increased due to dell'inquinamentto environment, affecting the hinterland Milazzo.


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