Monday, December 6, 2010

What Is The Genotype Of Cystic Fibrosis

Today I would like to tell the beauty of this period in terms of magic, sending, but also tell you what it's made my Christmas season.

Everything in this period becomes more beautiful, bright, affectionate and loving ... last night after returning from a short tour of Christmas shopping with my better half I could see how the shops, the center of a city, the streets and everything that can be seen wandering between markets, stalls and shops glitter, lights, reflected in the windows decorated and dressed with great party!
In particular I love this time enjoy all the different Christmas decoration of houses, shops, shop windows and any decent place, I really like it and sometimes I stop staring at this beauty with dreamy eyes ... in particular there are some houses that are decorated really well.

especially love the wreaths outside the front door hung with red threads, made of natural tree and lots of decorations on red and gold are the colors for my favorite Christmas lights that cover the roof, or Christmas shapes such as those Reindeer, Santa Claus in his sleigh, comets, which are placed in front of the houses and gardens in the evening light and accompanied by shining these nights of celebration ... I love everything!
But even more beautiful are the Christmas decorations of the typical American homes, of those you see in movies like "The Grinch" for example, are absolutely unique and convey their meaning and the magic of Christmas.

Everything is beautiful and I love him, is the best time of year in terms of good feelings and not just view the coldness, the 'self-centredness and the frantic these days!

In preparation for Christmas, I usually buy magazines that speak of home furnishings and decorations for Christmas, cross-stitch magazines, for which I have always too little time.
attract my attention to the cooking and travel magazines. They all have beautiful and inviting images that evoke in me memories and dreams to come true As regards the travel magazines and sweets and delicious dishes from various cooking and try to offer my guests this holiday season. In fact I read them slowly and then I keep all my library in the department Christmas magazines.

Holidays and Christmas in particular home and stimulate the budding chef in me. With the calm and quiet, but especially with the time, is apt to feel that the recipes usually cut from newspapers or boxes of Barilla pasta and diligently I just put in my recipe book, or several other recipes I have in my cookbooks.

also by being a little house with the cold and frost Winter brings me to yet more passionate about the care of the house and its decoration. In particular I love light and smell the aroma of scented candles at home, different in each room. I also turn on the burning wood with various oils, especially that of the native in this period!

Another thing I like to do at this time is to slow the pace of my routine and stay a little quieter, which results in perfectly for me to stay at home as much as possible and enjoy the warmth and relaxing at home, with all my Christmas decorations lit tea sipping a good Christmas and reading a good book curled up on the couch, obviously in good company!

last post I spoke of my love for the reindeer, so here I like a lot, then they are very nice and the animal emblem and symbol of excellence for Christmas ... then you missed a classic in my house during Christmas, to be sure they are accocolate on a table and remain there all the time of the year! They are adorable, you have seen the bottom?

must continue with my Christmas time I would spend the closet and make-up department!

My wardrobe during this holiday season dresses in colors like red, a Christmas classic and gold, but I love the silver declined in chiccosi top for the evenings of feast paired with black belt and veil with rhinestones! Another classic of this period for me is the formal black dress sweetened with sparkling rhinestone scarves and silver jewelry mixed with strings of pearls possibly alternating with bracelets of gold and rubies. Obviously not all together .. "Less is more! In the make-up department
space instead of the deep red lipstick to eye shadow and highlighter brush strokes of shimmering champagne beige-golden in color combined with dark chocolate or dark chocolate brown brush strokes of silver-gray pearl eye shadows in tones combined with 's anthracite darker lighting for the face the whole night declined to release for the holidays.

Obviously I could not forget the 'ultimate hobby that would wrap Christmas packages, going to look into the forest of fir twigs and red berries accompanied with red bows and gold ..

Returning to the culinary department every year for lunch on Christmas Eve and Christmas I usually draw the computer's menu with a variety of Christmas Christmas doodles to accompany the writing ... it's really adorable!

to think I can stop here, but the list could be a work in progress ....

And you must or you have things you love to do especially at this time?
's your word ....


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