Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do We Get Backpain At The Time Of Implantation

Books that passion ... Fitness

Anyone who knows me knows that some are my passion, I love reading and I love to buy .... I love the smell of books, paper, peace and the silence that characterizes the place that I adore so much ....
This weekend I gave myself at the expense of crazy in my paradise, the library.
I was in the center Friday evening after work and so I decided to take a ride in my favorite library, the results were the purchase of 3 books that speak of beautiful kitchen.
not the usual cookbook with recipes galore, all text and no images, no, these are books recipes with fabulous photography, very chic and unique, yet easy to make .... in short the reach of everyone, even someone like me in the kitchen it has a long way to go.
especially love browsing this book because I find them relaxing with all these photos make me want to read, to browse page by page, recipe and recipe for "taste" not only what is written but the pictures are beautiful and speak alone, believe me.

Following are the titles and I hope you also have the opportunity to hold in your vs. hands are a special day ... ....

"Fashion Food" by Csaba Zorza

"The kitchen in my city" of Csaba Zorza

"Gifts greedy" by Sigrid Verbert

And you girls love this kind of books or all your favorite classic recipes and no images?
women .... It's your word vs. the aspect of cooking. opinions about it!

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Images taken from Google.


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