Monday, March 7, 2011

Psoriasis In The Marines

Felice week ..

Happy week dear readers, but especially good Monday!

E 'know, Monday is a special day, both because it is the' beginning of a new week and partly because it falls just after the weekend, when the majority of us is dedicated to being with the family, relax , leisure, and to do what he likes most.

Personally, my weekends are always marked by as much as possible to relaxation and wellness.
I try to maintain and increase particularly but not exclusively on weekends, a way of life marked by physical and mental health.
In this regard my rites are eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and herbal teas of various types, especially moving to outdoor walks and exercise to Pilates and meditation.
There are other small things that I put into practice as a positive attitude and openness to the world and the next, attentions towards myself and my loved ones, even rites on the part of my psychological and spiritual person as the search to improve dialogue with myself, I can combattereogniqualvolta my fears, shaping my flaws.
also try to invest my free time in activities that make me feel good and I like.

Especially lately, I'm going through a challenging period in many ways, I feel the need to find some relaxation and wellness. To find some peace of mind that so many commitments, thoughts and the hectic life they take away. And I have chosen to implement this for a while the "natural way" and holistic treatments and all that concerns them.

After this brief digression, I want to wish you all a happy and successful week, but not only ...
now because apart from the temperature, we next wanted to give the spring some photos that celebrate it in my opinion, as you know I really like the tulips But not only ...


great week everyone!


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