Friday, December 31, 2010

Favorite Snapple Flavors

Roman decree, small web tv saved. And we remain free. Via Emilia

The Roman decree, implemented in these days will not do the damage feared.
The issue is the standardization of Web TV, and involves a fee of 1500 € for each subject. An amount not affordable by small Italian companies such as those surveyed in site (which I mentioned in my thesis), an authoritative source that collects all the micro-Web TV Italian.
Luckily it seems that the rules specify a minimum turnover of € 100,000 and 24 hours of weekly programming. In short digits long way for most of web TV.
So, these Web TV, more and more popular, apparently began to be considerable competition for traditional TV, so as to make discussed at length as required under this Decree. By the way I can collect the thought of Matthew Bittanti who writes about the January issue of Wired: "The proliferation of television content on demand and streaming platforms, available at prices lower than those of satellite and cable, has convinced an entire generation to pull the plug. Many people predict that within ten years, the cable TV will go the way of the landline phone. We're not yet seeing a mere redistribution of television content across platforms. "
The DTT has done its damage this year in Italy, I felt more of a friend who has abandoned the traditional TV for streaming on the net, and even my mother in the dark days of the switch-off has opted for streaming, while not having a great familiarity with the computer. Bittanti but adds a thought that has hit the nail on the case of Italy: The Italian videocracy cathode has now arrived for the closing credits. A feudal law may slow, but not stop the future. " Clear its reference to the Roman decree, and the recent publication of documents drawn up by the U.S. ambassador Wikileaks David Thorne, who points out how this law is an instrument of control of Berlusconi's government on the network. Certainly, many young people will seize enlightened (and are already taking) the opportunity to broadcast video provided by the web, although those who govern expert on television does not have the ability to understand this revolution and hopes to control half as free as the network. Such a revolution will change the way forward, but also the information and then the ideas of the people. We face a future of free and informed.
I recommend two articles to read about. On "the chaos of the rules web tv" Alessandro Longo and " Small, local and committed in Italy is booming web tv" .
I wish you a 2011 full of video on demand!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Toddler Has Foot Fungus

Christmas holidays ..

Already a few hours and I still officially in effect and on vacation, what joy!

Then the day inspires me a lot, I went early this morning in the office for example you have time to do everything and close the last things with the necessary calm, but in reality is all morning I switch from one practice to another without ever seeing the end ... but I'll make it!

As I said today they put snow almost everywhere, even here it has been slow to get off and are abundant with beautiful and large white flakes that cover everything with their white magic!

Now I'm looking out the window and the landscape is perfect for a day like today ... freezing temperatures, abundant snow falls and the tree lights lit it with a background of Christmas music, how nice!
I need is a nice 'tea-infused Christmas and then they are in peace ...

From tomorrow I'm going to enjoy the much-anticipated holiday season and with great pleasure I dedicate to the research of the last gifts left to buy, then proceed to package for Benin and adagierò them under the tree. I'm going to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere in the city center by walking, looking at the festively decorated shop windows and walk in the snow in the light of the illuminations.
will change from 'happy hour course Christmas dinner with friends and my boyfriend always by my side!
Part of the time he will also devote to my passion, reading. Yes I'm going to read a lot, in the warmth of a warm blanket and sipping my tea advent!

not wait to go home those beautiful afternoons where everything speaks of relaxation, warmth and comfort, where you switch from watching a good movie on TV to talk quietly around a beautiful table set out in the evening and then to make a digestive walk together ...

I want also to celebrations, glitter and sbrilluccichii different, since the clothes that will be rigorously chic and elegant with a touch of color typical of these parties to make up that will be richly researched and bright as the stars!

So I want to wish everyone a peaceful holiday season with vs. and loved ones a Merry Christmas!

soon ...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Treat A 5 Month Old

About me ..

as an example of a friend's blog and here I leave you the link to his wonderful blog -things-i-like.html I write a few things I love to do! Attention
are not in order of choice, but as I was reminded ...

1. Read the warmth of home with a cashmere blanket strictly

2. Sip tea and hot tea in cold winter days

3.The 'autumn color palette and his bitter

4. Christmas and a magical and exciting atmosphere

5. The snow that falls in the glow of lights in celebration

6.Viaggiare in general, and discovering new places

7. Spa and Spa: weekend of wellness and relaxation


9. Walking on a cold winter afternoon wrapped up until the hair above

10. Visiting the city in time of celebration, give their best with all the lights lit

11. The Christmas lights

12. The figurines of Santa Claus

13. Enjoy the atmosphere of the house on a cold Christmas morning

14. The Christmas songs

15. Remove from the oven cakes and muffins

16. Happy Hour with friends

Now I give the word to my blogger friend Martina. Mari and Tweety .... and also to all those who want to participate ..!
am very curious to read vs. post about it!

Monday, December 6, 2010

What Is The Genotype Of Cystic Fibrosis

Today I would like to tell the beauty of this period in terms of magic, sending, but also tell you what it's made my Christmas season.

Everything in this period becomes more beautiful, bright, affectionate and loving ... last night after returning from a short tour of Christmas shopping with my better half I could see how the shops, the center of a city, the streets and everything that can be seen wandering between markets, stalls and shops glitter, lights, reflected in the windows decorated and dressed with great party!
In particular I love this time enjoy all the different Christmas decoration of houses, shops, shop windows and any decent place, I really like it and sometimes I stop staring at this beauty with dreamy eyes ... in particular there are some houses that are decorated really well.

especially love the wreaths outside the front door hung with red threads, made of natural tree and lots of decorations on red and gold are the colors for my favorite Christmas lights that cover the roof, or Christmas shapes such as those Reindeer, Santa Claus in his sleigh, comets, which are placed in front of the houses and gardens in the evening light and accompanied by shining these nights of celebration ... I love everything!
But even more beautiful are the Christmas decorations of the typical American homes, of those you see in movies like "The Grinch" for example, are absolutely unique and convey their meaning and the magic of Christmas.

Everything is beautiful and I love him, is the best time of year in terms of good feelings and not just view the coldness, the 'self-centredness and the frantic these days!

In preparation for Christmas, I usually buy magazines that speak of home furnishings and decorations for Christmas, cross-stitch magazines, for which I have always too little time.
attract my attention to the cooking and travel magazines. They all have beautiful and inviting images that evoke in me memories and dreams to come true As regards the travel magazines and sweets and delicious dishes from various cooking and try to offer my guests this holiday season. In fact I read them slowly and then I keep all my library in the department Christmas magazines.

Holidays and Christmas in particular home and stimulate the budding chef in me. With the calm and quiet, but especially with the time, is apt to feel that the recipes usually cut from newspapers or boxes of Barilla pasta and diligently I just put in my recipe book, or several other recipes I have in my cookbooks.

also by being a little house with the cold and frost Winter brings me to yet more passionate about the care of the house and its decoration. In particular I love light and smell the aroma of scented candles at home, different in each room. I also turn on the burning wood with various oils, especially that of the native in this period!

Another thing I like to do at this time is to slow the pace of my routine and stay a little quieter, which results in perfectly for me to stay at home as much as possible and enjoy the warmth and relaxing at home, with all my Christmas decorations lit tea sipping a good Christmas and reading a good book curled up on the couch, obviously in good company!

last post I spoke of my love for the reindeer, so here I like a lot, then they are very nice and the animal emblem and symbol of excellence for Christmas ... then you missed a classic in my house during Christmas, to be sure they are accocolate on a table and remain there all the time of the year! They are adorable, you have seen the bottom?

must continue with my Christmas time I would spend the closet and make-up department!

My wardrobe during this holiday season dresses in colors like red, a Christmas classic and gold, but I love the silver declined in chiccosi top for the evenings of feast paired with black belt and veil with rhinestones! Another classic of this period for me is the formal black dress sweetened with sparkling rhinestone scarves and silver jewelry mixed with strings of pearls possibly alternating with bracelets of gold and rubies. Obviously not all together .. "Less is more! In the make-up department
space instead of the deep red lipstick to eye shadow and highlighter brush strokes of shimmering champagne beige-golden in color combined with dark chocolate or dark chocolate brown brush strokes of silver-gray pearl eye shadows in tones combined with 's anthracite darker lighting for the face the whole night declined to release for the holidays.

Obviously I could not forget the 'ultimate hobby that would wrap Christmas packages, going to look into the forest of fir twigs and red berries accompanied with red bows and gold ..

Returning to the culinary department every year for lunch on Christmas Eve and Christmas I usually draw the computer's menu with a variety of Christmas Christmas doodles to accompany the writing ... it's really adorable!

to think I can stop here, but the list could be a work in progress ....

And you must or you have things you love to do especially at this time?
's your word ....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Type Of Compound Is Zinc Phenosulfate

Di Di Natale & Co. Christmas decorations & Co.

Today I want to make partakers of my weekend that was partly devoted to Christmas decorations at home!
As every year in late November, but also the first to tell the truth, I get an 'impatient desire to decorate and decorate the whole house, garden, stairs, office etc.etc.
so good to be a perfectionist that I am, I start to grind ideas on ideas, projects and projects for the time always missing and different contingencies may not be completed. However, in my small way, I am satisfied the work done this weekend. Post some pictures below so you can watch with your eyes. I apologize in advance for the quality of the images will not render justice to my siuramente addobi for the simple reason that they are denied in the photograph, even though I love photography.

In fact, the ideas were many, but for now the results still work in progress are as follows:

My Christmas Tree
Christmas tree (always false, even if the perfume and beauty of the real one is unsurpassed) decorated with white lights, a number of red balls is glossy that lacquered round shape, oval, star, heart and elongated oval decorated with tiny white hearts, orange slices strictly made by me, or cut and cooked in the oven. Hearts and stars fabric hand-decorated with ribbons and hung from a last row of pearly white just like beads!
Et voila my Christmas tree!
I assure you that this picture does not do anything for justice to my Christmas tree!

decoration of the marble over the radiator
Ghiranda fake fir, with golden candle in the center and suede fabric proveninete the Christmas markets of Nuremberg, a number of wooden objects decorated with Christmas pictures and colors, decorated wooden statue of Santa Claus Building a reindeer. Lying on the fir wreath I put a row of colored and scented soaps made with Christmas ribbons.
forgot, the giant Christmas stocking featuring a reindeer, I really love animals!

The my collection of reindeer of Thun
are jealous, and I have a dedicated their entire cabinet, resting on a red cloth velodi!

Miscellaneous decorations
In this cabinet I made a tablecloth of red felt, with a deer over in silver plastic, which comes from drettamente Christmas markets of Nuremberg, accompanied by a red candle and a lovely christmas.

Centerpiece Christmas
I lying on a table runner in red plaid pattern on white and silver decorated with Christmas trees
white cross in Puno and I've been lying on a beautiful and great christmas ceramic covering aun beautiful Christmas tree green a very special iron candle holder decorated reindeer glass and starlets.

Here are some of my decorations, everything is still a work in progress!
Each Gorno and calmly, things done in a hurry I do not like, Fixed some corner of the house and decorated in the 'mood, the desire and time.

Turn the corners of the house in authentic Tearin of Christmas, showing off one thousand Christmas decorations such as colored candles of the typical Christmas colors red and gold maybe silver, candle holders decorated with reindeer, stars and glitter, even Christmas decorations that I create myself as saucers decorated with orange slices, cloves and cinnamon sticks!

Speaking of decorations I think of the placemats for breakfast fabric green red and white all mixed with gold in a traditional plaid Christmas.
During the holidays my round mats are decorated in neutral wood color braided rope that goes very well with the red tablecloth and green tags spruce decorated with orange slices and cinnamon.

Well, after this succession of images and descriptions of decorations I got an urge to pack so many tags you and those you invite to take place at the table laden party ....
no place ... look forward to the placeholders (also does rhyme)!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Temporary Purple Highlights On Brown Hair

The Neurology Hospital Milazzo moved to Barcelona.

Disappointment and bitterness arouses the decision to move next Monday, the Division of Neurology Hospital of Milazzo to Barcellona.Infatti although this transfer was written in the plan to reschedule the hospital network to facilitate the integration of the two hospitals, it is also true the Neurology Hospital Milazzo is a piece of history Mamertino hospital, because he was inaugurated shortly after the opening of the hospital itself, then 40 years ago and since then has been the only reference center for all other hospitals for activities of the Tyrrhenian coast of hospitalization and consulenza.Essa has used up to now of the proper auxiliary constant of a radiology service, can provide, in addition to conventional radiological investigations, CT, vascular ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, missing in action Barcellona.Si hospital use and provides consultancy to other divisions in the highly specialized hospital of Milazzo. E 'then allocated in a context that gives it a role of particular clinical relevance and strategic, inter alia in a territory with a high industrial development and tourism in an area that, in the summer, showed a significant increase in population . Moreover, the fact should not be underestimated for those who want to defend the public service, not-for-profit work with the sole aim of providing more assistance and to improve qualità.Tutto this has been unable, indeed could improve only in a structure like that of Milazzo.Il transfer to hospital in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bas well as lose some health professionals well trained, would reflect poorly on the quality and quantity of shelters and outpatient services by medical personnel and demotivated saniatrio trasferimento.Insomma and disoriented from the effects of a decision, in our opinion, to be reviewed for ambulance patients to avoid travel to and from Barcelona and in the light of the presence in our territory neurological diseases (such as ALS, stroke, neuro-endocrine tumors, etc..), whose incidence is greatly increased due to dell'inquinamentto environment, affecting the hinterland Milazzo.

Persimmon Wedding Colors And Themes

Christmas atmosphere

Today is November 26 and in less than a month will be CHRISTMAS!
Sunday, November 28th will be the 1st Sunday of Advent, and then according to the traditional crown of candles will light the Advent candle 1 of the four that will lead us from then until Christmas! CHRISTMAS
Exactly, this word that I love so much it makes me think in any order at ...
enchanting atmosphere and made magic by the fall of many white flakes that cover everything, and everything wrapped in a huge blanket of snow, the feelings of brotherhood, goodness, kindness, gratitude, love all kinds of neighbor and to our expensive, long and jovial hours spent at the table together with our loved ones and a thousand delicious and good flow from the first, the second, the side dishes, desserts, exotic fruit and nuts through glasses of sparkling wine, still, sweets and dessert all by fluctuating sorbet intermezzo.
The Christmas still makes me think of the decorations that will brighten up the streets, homes, public places , The squares, the city center and our hearts above all, the lights, the colored lights and white, my favorite Christmas songs to the adorable, gifts wrapped individually with care and dedication, the endless shopping list for dinner Eve and Christmas lunch, runs to the supermarket to find the unique, utime and only ingredient that will make the plates of those delicious meals and unforgettable, the search for the perfect gift for every person who is important to us, the
letter to Santa Claus written on a sheet of paper as children or in our hearts, still makes me think of Christmas in the eyes bright and joyful child in the morning Christmas, when waking up, still in pajamas and dressing gown in the salon run and find many wonderful gifts brought by Santa Claus and his reindeer, still reminds me of the joy of the Christmas tree together on a cold snowy afternoon the sweet warmth of a living room lit and warmed by the fireplace at the rate of soft and dreamy reasons for Christmas, it makes me think of the snow-covered streets of downtown, it makes me think of a sleigh pulled by horses running through Central Park New York Christmas Eve after they were ice skating at Rockefeller Center ... here is one of my wishes would be to spend Christmas with my boyfriend a New York, skating at Rockefeller Center, admiring the magnificent Christmas tree, make a romantic tour of Central Park on a horse-drawn sleigh, snow and enjoy a delicious hot chocolate ...! Ll
Christmas is all this and much more ...

Speaking of Christmas spirit I have to say that this year the lights and decorations in public places like malls and shops are seen very soon, I spotted the first decorations are dela first half of November and I've seen precisely in a shopping mall.
Now I love Christmas and all that that entails, but frankly I think way too soon, even though my joy in seeing glittering enchantment of lights was really great!
Obviously the reason is the "Christmas consumerism," perhaps the only thing I can not stand this magical period. I think it's really embarrassing the nerve to shops and the like that just to sell to showcase colorful balls with streamers and lights even in early September, stopping them just the fact that there are still the feast of Saints and All Souls' Beginning November! Things of this world, we are bordering on the ridiculous! However

from this weekend's official start of the Christmas period and I'm looking forward to 'My idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the Christmas tree and display all my collection of Christmas decorations for the home as candles , Candles, scented or not, candle holder red and gold with angels and reindeer, Santas of all sizes, fir wreaths to hang on the door after having decorated with sprigs of red berries, cinnamon sticks and dried orange slices , and even red tapestry and wood burning Christmas with essential oils of orange-flavored winter, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla and ginger!

whole house will be dressed in the typical colors of Christmas, which for me are red, gold and green, with a few touches here and there with white and copper mixed with sparkling silvery hues ..

I especially like the atmosphere of the house during the holidays, has a mixture of perfume fir, aromatic essences, perfume of the traditional Christmas sweets that spreads through the house, Christmas songs and rhythms, happy children running around the tree which is the main character of this period. The days are relaxing and lived banner the company of family and friends .. and also all the important moments as the Christmas for me is a moment of reflection and good intentions ...

Good intentions rigurdano myself, my life and the people close to me, I usually sign them on a piece of paper or on my agenda, is a sort of stock of the situation and assess the road traveled to that moment, a moment of introspection is also favored by a slower pace and calm.
I find that my habit is very valuable and necessary as a sort of cutting of my life to move to the new year with new goals and improvements to be implemented, but certainly also with situations and ways of doing good that they took us up to that time.

now fully inspired and kidnapped by the Christmas atmosphere in any order you place some pictures for me evocative of the period we are preparing to celebrate ...

Merry Christmas season to you all!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Many Computers Can A Netgear Router Handle

Home at last ..

Already today was a bad day, boring, endless and stressful.
works speak not at all stressful and challenging, then we shall be made also the time to rain cats and dogs all day, blacks cloudy, gray sky, cold and wet mixed pitch dark at 17.00!
short was not one of my best days, even with regard to the 'mood, probably I'm also a little metereopatica ...

However now I'm at home relaxing in my hot suit chenille robe and pearl gray Intimissimi, nestled on the couch with my cover of pure cashmere and relaxing with hot tea waiting for me.
flip through a magazine yesterday bought the house on Christmas ornaments, a subject that has for me always a calming effect, because I really love the argument!

Then read a good book, which I believe will accompany me to the world of sweet dreams!

So dear I wish you the air immediately a good night, I retreat to relax in!

Good night ..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Design Cakes For Church Anniversary

of Libraries & Co.

This topic is particularly dear to me because I love to read, I love libraries and I love the feeling of well being and relaxation that is born within me, when I'm curled up in my throne to read, will not stop ...
I read and I am convinced that aid in various ways.
Helps dream, immersing himself in the intricate plots, dreaming to own way and impersonating the characters, it helps to train the mind to write properly and in various forms depending on what kind of reading you are facing. Makes it possible to "travel" and seeing new places, even without being physically. Enables better understand what surrounds us and the society of yesterday and today. Reading is therapeutic and relaxing.
then read and a treasure trove of knowledge, which is available to everyone and wishing is also free through libraries, to underline the fact, because nowadays everything is paid, even the air we breathe !
Usually when I leave for a trip or a weekend out of town I carry with me always at least two books, maybe a different topic, so you can indulge my inclination and my interest at that time.
not miss an opportunity, in my spare time to read and relax.
In summer I like to read in the garden away from the blinding sun and sultry, under the shade of a huge tree caressed by the gentle breeze blowing, delicious!
In autumn and winter I like to read in my corner relax on my chair, wrapped in my blanket cashmere, with some candles lit, which creates a ' friendly atmosphere and warm, sipping my tea 's winter, all in a gloomy and cold winter afternoon when a snowstorm rages outside, sublime!
Returning to the library ... when I happen to be in some city or some mall usually never misses a refreshing visit to the library in turn, is a ritual that now takes me several years and gives me a wave of well-being , dream and relax!
when they cross the threshold of my corner of relaxation are overwhelmed by an 'aura of wonder and total absorption of that peace and prosperity that only in a library you can breathe. Vague, like a child Luna Park in his first amazed and happy, the shelves full of those things square and rectangular, with a thousand thicknesses and the many colors, looking around and absorbing journey through the eyes as much as I can with that wonder.
Usually I often some title or author of a book which I try, so I go around in a frenzy to find the object of my desire. In fact it is a real desire for me the book! I wander or simply for some title or subject that tickles my interest.
usually combed the library and look at the books, the layout, covers and various labels.
fact in any library books available to the changes, some are arranged by genre, in other author and publisher for others .. so every time you go into a bookstore the whole is to be discovered.
When I find my book of desire, I am very happy and leafed through it immediately, in order to taste and touch the roughness of the pages and the scent of paper, reading a few lines already in place. As I start to check out, having spent patrolling in the rest of the library, already imagine the time when I will taste it in my reading corner at home already and I relax a lot.
course, as you can imagine , My house is full of books. They are of various kinds and types, all dutifully accommodated in their places in the library, divided by type.
account in future is to create a library lady, wood, walnut color, the many shelves, which will cover at least one whole wall in the living room, which will be large enough not be dwarfed by the grandeur and majesty of it.
will be one of those beautiful libraries for which used the stairs to climb to admire the many items of knowledge.
The books will be divided by author or by type.
I will not conceal the desire to one day visit these great and majestic libraries and city libraries in cities such as New York or London, where libraries are majestic, huge and old, with so many dusty shelves from wood worn and ancient, where there are those tables with built-in desk lamp, where everyone can sit to enjoy the wonders that the object of knowledge has to offer.
further joy when Archbishop those libraries with adjoining Coffee, where you can sit and enjoy a cappuccino and a slice of cake, there is nothing better for those who love these places.
Well, now that I've told you my love I go to bed happy and content! Good night!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Iphone Apps Electric Box Level 19

toast to ' inauguration of the blog ..

Finally we have succeeded and I'm really happy it is very interesting!
I decided to open my blog some time ago and today I reached my goal, to talk about everything I like, I like around me, my passions and the routine of my days ...!

Some explanation: The blog is

initolato "Me Myself & an autumn day" because the decision to open the blog came in a cool, damp autumn day than those that I love, with time out of the windows and threatening ; expanses of colorful foliage!

The subtitle is "My Corner of Relaxation", in fact I have seen as the corner of my house dedicated to relaxation, reading and, as I do with my schedule usually inseparable activity Take note of ideas, thoughts, even in bulk, dreams, desires, phrases, and whatever advice I can think of . There are also stories of my life and out of dreams and hopes.
angle that I decided to decorate with a beautiful chair to chaise long chocolate brown velvet lining which is nestled on my inseparable dove-colored cashmere blanket, all illuminated by one of those beautiful table lamps for reading with style well my little corner of relaxation!
is located near a beautiful white window frames from English, which overlooks a beautiful garden covered by the city of autumn foliage, keep on the windowsill inside piles and piles of books and a variety of scented candles that I like to turn when I read, I forgot There is also a green map !

Now I greet you and I wish you a peaceful night ..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Calculator For A Phosphate Buffer

The Theravada (Sanskrit: sthaviravada), literally "Teaching of the Elders" is the oldest surviving Buddhist school. The Theravada school is derived from the group that emerged from the group Vibhajjavada Sthaviras at the time of the Third Buddhist Council (ca. 250 BC), during the time of King Ashoka.

The Theravada promotes the doctrine of Vibhajjavada, literally "Teaching of Analysis." According to this doctrine, the right vision, insight, derived from the experience of the practitioner, critical analysis and reason, rather than blind faith, however, in the tradition of writing Thera is also important to follow the advice of the wise, the latter being, along with the assessment of their experiences, the two "test" to judge their practice.

In Theravada, the cause of human existence and suffering (dukkha) is identified in the desire (tanha), as well as other afflictions such as anger, hatred, pride, jealousy, envy, fear , passion, irritation, anxiety, distraction, etc. .. It is believed that these afflictions are habits arising from ignorance (Avijja) obscuring the minds of all unenlightened beings. Ignorance of what? Of the three samsaric truth of all phenomena, or suffering (dukkha), impermanence (anicca) and selflessness (anatta). All things are in fact characterized by suffering and dissatisfaction, even the fulfillment of our deepest desires is to be unsatisfactory, because nothing is permanent, even the tiniest molecule. All things are also not-self, no-existence last. The unenlightened beings instead take their affliction as a "self", becoming attached to them because of ignorance of the truth.

To be free from suffering and stress these afflictions shall be permanently eradicated. This is possible through the Three Training in Morality (Sila), Concentration (Samadhi) and Wisdom (Cream), and the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path.

Noble Eightfold Path

First Noble Eightfold Path: right understanding

The Right View is the knowledge, theoretical at first, and then assimilated through practice, the 4 Noble Truths. In Mahasatipattana Sutta, one of the most important speeches of Shakyamuni Buddha in the Theravada, it is written: "And what, monks, the right understanding? Understand suffering, to understand the origin of suffering, to understand the end of suffering and understand the way that leads to extinction of suffering: this is called Right View "

According to the Noble Eightfold Path: Right Intention

Translated as "right thinking", refers primarily to the firm resolution to give up the cycle of rebirth by giving up greed, malice mental obfuscation. In May-Vibhanga Sutta is written "And what is right thought? Be firm in renunciation, freedom by bad intentions, nell'innoquità: this is called right thought. "

Third Noble Eightfold Path: right speech

This is a set of laws on language use. We must refrain from saying what is false for the benefit of themselves or others, by sowing discord, from approaching others in an aggressive or rude, silly and trivial topics from entertainment (mainly gossip). "And what is right speech? Refrain from lying, abstain from the word divide, refrain from offensive word, refrain from idle chatter: This, monks, is right speech "

Fourth Noble Eightfold Path: right action

right action, also translated as "right conduct" involves the proper way in which the Buddhist practitioner should behave in their daily lives. "And what is the right action? Refrain from taking life, from stealing, and sexual misconduct. This is called Right Action ". The fourth Noble Eightfold Path is often explained through the Five Precepts, vows that the lay Buddhist practitioner takes:

1 - Abstain from killing. Includes being the instigator of it or approve it, the incitement to suicide and abortion.

2 - Refraining from taking what that there is given

3 - Abstain from sexual misconduct, particularly sexual violence and adultery, looking at women not qualifying for the relationship as mothers, sisters or daughters under the age

4 - Refrain from lying

5 - Refraining from intoxicants (alcohol, drugs ..)

Fifth Noble Eightfold Path: Right Life

also translated as "right livelihood", is mainly based on the concept of ahimsa (nonviolence), and essentially says that we must refrain from occupations which, directly or indirectly causing harm to human. "Oh monks, a practitioner layman should not engage in five types of businesses. Which five? Arms trade, trade in human beings, flesh trade, trade in intoxicants, trade in poisons

Sixth Noble Eightfold Path: Right Effort

right effort, which involves essentially the continued effort to keep his mind free from those thoughts that may hinder the practice of the other elements of the Eightfold Path, is the mental discipline that operates in four directions: to avoid the occurrence of afflictions not yet arisen, to abandon the afflictions already arisen, bringing about the emergence of virtue not yet fate and enhance the virtues already arisen.

Seventh Noble Eightfold Path: Right Mindfulness

The right mindfulness is the practice of Vipassana which, together with the merger, is the main practice of meditation in the Theravada. It consists mainly of observation of all phenomena occurring in the body and mind, and has four objects of observation: the body, feelings, mind and dharma (in this context we refer to mental phenomena). With proper awareness, the mind is purified from its obscuring veils, seeing the true nature of things, unsatisfactory, impermanent and empty of self. With this you can reach the Liberation

Eight Noble Path: Right Concentration

The Buddha explains right concentration in terms of the fourth jhana (dhyana in Sanskrit). The base from which you can achieve jhana is generally made dall'anapanasati, concentrating on the breath. Jhana before joining a pre-stage characterized by the abandonment of the five hindrances (sensual desire, ill will, torpor, agitation, doubt). This pre-stage is an unstable state where the mind is concentrated on your object, but not as a state of full concentration (jhana), where we see a markedly different level of awareness, in which the mind does not work in ordinary sensory . In this pre-stage some meditators may experience vivid mental images very similar to dreams, or feel that your breath or your body disappears, leaving pure awareness. When these phenomena occur should not be concerned or afraid, but we must continue the meditation. When you pass this stage you pre-enter in the 4 stages of full concentration (jhana):

1 - First Jhana: at this stage is a form of bliss (made up of joy and happiness). Only the mental movements are more subtle. The ability to create evil intentions ceases.

2 - Second Jhana: at this stage the subtle mental movements cease. Remains bliss. Ceases the ability to create positive intentions

3 - Third Jhana: ceases at this stage the appearance of joyful bliss, but it is still a state of happiness

4 - Fourth Jhana: ceases happiness entering a state that is characterized neither by pleasure nor pain. It 'a state of perfect purity and equanimity. The breathing stops temporarily.
By the fourth Jhana is said to begin the acquisition of psychic powers, but this is not the purpose of meditation. The aim of achieving full merger is to strengthen and refine the mind, so that it can be run with clearly realize the nature of the phenomena.

performance levels

Through practice, students can achieve four levels of achievement that reflect their mental state:

1 - stream-entry (Sotapanna) are entered the stream of Dhamma, they destroyed the first three fetters (false view of self, doubt, attachment to rites and rituals), will not be reborn in the lower realms, and will take up to 7 lives to achieve liberation.

2 - The returned once (sakadagami) as well as having eliminated the three chains have also decreased the attachment sexual aversion. Achieve liberation at most after returning once again in the world.

3 - The Non Returning (anagami) have eliminated the five chains (false view of self, doubt, attachment to the rituals, sensual attachment, aversion), but are not yet free from attachment to jhana, a form subtle pride, agitation and ignorance. At their death will not be reborn in this world, but in a celestial world where achieving liberation

4 - The Freed (Arahant): those who have realized Nibbana, the state without a death in which the afflicted are totally stopped. Nibbana is divided in with the "residue" when the Arahant is still alive, and then the residue of the five aggregates (which can then be the substrate of forms of physical suffering, but not mental), and the "no residue" after the death.


The sacred scriptures of Theravada, the Pali Canon, are called the Tripitaka, as consisting of three baskets: the Vinaya Pitaka, the Sutta Pitaka Pitaka el'Abhidhamma. The first concerns the monastic rules of conduct, the second is the set of texts dealing with the history and words of the Buddha's teachings and the last includes more philosophical, psychological and metaphysical. They are matched to the three trainings: the Vinaya morality (Sila), the Sutta the concentration (Samadhi), el'Abhidhamma to Wisdom (Panna). In the opinion of most scholars of the Abhidhamma was added later because it seems that the First Buddhist council there were only two Pitaka. In any case, the first texts were written in the first century BC, as the tradition of those times in order to transmit the teachings orally. The portion of the Sutta and Vinaya Tripitaka shows a considerable overlap with the set of texts used by non-Theravada schools that form the Chinese and Tibetan Canon. The used in the Theravada Abhidhamma but is not recognized in the Mahayana. By contrast, the Mahayana Sutras are not recognized by Theravada. In the fifth century after Christ was Buddhaghosha writing the first commentary on the Pali Canon, the Visuddhimagga (the Path of Purification).

Thanks for this summary to Marco Scarinci

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Which Makeup Non-comedogenic?


I have always been fascinated by the images in which Buddha is depicted, there are four basic positions of the Buddha:
- The standing Buddha
The seated Buddha - The Buddha walking
- The Reclining Buddha
The first three are associated with the daily life of the Buddha (teaching, meditation, offer shelter to his disciples, while the latter refers to the last moments spent on earth, when he reached nirvana.
These postures are associated with positions of hands and feet and create behaviors (mudra) indicating the main themes of Buddhism.
Abhaya Buddha is the Buddha standing with one hand raised, symbolizing the offering of protection of the Buddha to his followers and free from fear.
Bhumisparsa represents the Buddha in a sitting position with his left hand resting on his lap and his right hand resting on the floor, is the image most widely known. This position symbolizes an important step in the life of Buddha, when the ascetic sat to meditate under a Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya in India, and refused to move to reach enlightenment. While Mara, the Buddhist equivalent of Satan tempted him with women and parties, Buddha touched the ground, asking the nature of its determination to support and help to resist. Soon after he attained enlightenment.
Dhyana , both hands resting on her lap and the palms are facing upwards, with the right hand over left, symbolizes meditation.
Vitarka or dhammachakka , this mudra commemorates the first sermon of the Buddha, with his thumb and forefinger of one hand (vitarka) or both hands (dhammachakka) join in a circle while the other fingers are extended toward the outside.
Invocation of rain on the rice fields , Buddha standing with arms outstretched at your sides, palms resting on your thighs.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Apartment Letter Of Intent

OTTO verse of the transformation of thought

1. Since they are determined to achieve maximum well-being for all beings, which are higher than the wish-fulfilling gem that I will always care for them myself.
2. When I'm in the company of others, I shall consider myself as the least important, and in my heart I will take care of them, as if they were the higher beings.
3. By carefully examining my mind at all I perform actions to face it and will cut its first appearance, any mental defect, before it can be harmful to myself and to others.
4. When I face an evil being prey to intense suffering and serious shortcomings, I will keep such a dear person, so rare to come by, as if I had discovered a precious treasure.
5. When other, dominated by jealousy, mistreat me, insult me, and so on, I will accept their harsh words and give them the victory.
6. When someone who I helped and I have high hopes I inflict very serious damage, I will consider this the supreme spiritual master.
7. In short, I will offer the benefits and happiness to all sentient beings mothers, both in this life and in the future, and secretly take upon myself all evil and suffering of my mothers.
8. Moreover, since all contaminated with inpurità feelings of the eight (worldly), and perceiving all phenomena as illusory, I will deliver free of attachments
from slavery (conditioned existence).

Text taken from
C hange your mind, advice from a spiritual teacher - Geshe Rabten and Geshe Dharghie